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Black Lives Matter: our focus for change

In support of the Black Lives Matter movement to eradicate racism, I recently promised that we would look at our organisation to identify what we could do to be part of the change.
Creating space for staff to share ideas about the change they want to see has informed our initial commitment. We are going to focus on four areas of our education business to promote inclusion for the black community. These are:
  • Recruitment
  • Training and Development
  • Community Outreach
  • Curriculum Design & Student Experience.
I am setting up individual working groups to drive this agenda forward. Each working group will involve colleagues from around the organisation. The groups will be responsible for reviewing ideas and creating a measurable action plan which will lead to systemic, long-term change.
In our work to remove institutional barriers and to hold ourselves accountable, I will publish our action plan when available and share updates on progress on our website.
We haven’t done enough. We will do better.
Chris Stacey, CEO, CATS Colleges