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Teachers to decide exam grades for A level and GCSE students in the UK this summer

The Chief Regulator of Ofqual has said that students must continue to engage as fully as they can in their education as this will put them in the best position for their qualifications. He went on to say, ‘We need to consider a wide range of qualifications – from A levels and GCSEs to many different vocational and technical qualifications – and the solution won’t be the same for all. Following the government’s announcement on Monday evening, we also need to consider how alternative arrangements will work for different students. We are discussing alternative arrangements with the Department for Education. We know that many are seeking clarity as soon as possible. We will provide further updates as soon as we can.’

Last year, CATS Global Schools’ teachers submitted assessed grades for students resulting in excellent examination results and destinations. Graduating students progressed to outstanding university destinations including the University of Oxford, London School of Economics, Imperial College London, UCL, the University of St Andrews and Durham University. Students also progressed to competitive courses such as Medicine, Law and Architecture.

These results and progressions are a testament to our students’ remarkable resilience and the support they received from their teachers. This year will be no exception; our staff will continue to help our students achieve excellent learning outcomes.

We will provide further updates as soon as we have them from the Department for Education.