As part of our philosophy of investment in students, we have created a new set of awards – CGS Sports Colours – to recognise outstanding achievements in sports. The awards also recognise the significance of sport as a major contributor to student wellbeing.
The Research
The benefits of sport to students’ physical health have always been understood, but research is also now pointing to the positive impact sport has on mental wellbeing. Research undertaken by Manchester Metropolitan University in 2023, surveyed 5,481 students in state and independent schools and found that:
- Greater sports participation in school is associated with higher levels of wellbeing.
- Sports participation is also a significant predictor of self-belief and mental toughness, key life skills for young people.
- Students in year 10 reported lower participation in sport than those in year 9, and also lower levels of wellbeing, self-belief, and mental toughness.
- The effects of mental toughness and self-efficacy on life satisfaction and happiness were greater for girls than boys.

is fantastic that the importance of sport and Physical Education is being
recognised across our schools and the efforts of our young stars are being
celebrated. I can’t wait to hear about the ‘Sports Colours’
being awarded!”
Richard Harrison-Poole
Director of Sport at BCS and CGS Sports Awards Lead
Investment in Students
CGS has always promoted sports, but this year, sport and its place in creating and sustaining positive mental health will be boosted further by the introduction of CGS Sports Colours. Designed to encourage and recognise achievement across various sporting activities, CGS Sports Colours are a mark of exceptional achievement, whether bettering a personal goal or making an excellent contribution to a team event. Schools will select those to be awarded colours using the sole criterion of recognising outstanding achievement
Each CATS Global School will be able to award two honours (gold badges), three distinctions (silver badges), and two credits (blue badges) in each year group.
CGS Sports Colours are an addition to those awards already given in schools and will mark a truly impressive achievement for the recipient.
Schools will be awarding these for the first time in May 2024. We look forward to showcasing our outstanding sports students and recipients of the first CGS Sports Colours.