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CGS schools celebrate two ISA award nominations

Bournemouth Collegiate School (BCS) and The Worthgate School are celebrating this week after being shortlisted for an ISA (Independent Schools Association) award.
BCS is recognised for its Excellence & Innovation in the Performing Arts, and Worthgate for Excellence and Innovation in Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion.
The ISA Awards celebrate success in its member schools and recognises the breadth of quality and provision in independent education across the UK. With 646 member schools in the association, our nominations are a testament to our pioneering approach to developing our performing arts provision and championing equality, diversity, and inclusion.
Chris Stacey

“What an honour to be recognised for our pioneering approach in these areas. These nominations build on the hard work of staff and students across our school communities. Thank you to everyone involved in spearheading these innovations and pushing the boundaries of excellence.”

Chris Stacey

CEO, CATS Global Schools

BCS – Excellence & Innovation in the Performing Arts

BCS’s nomination recognises its holistic approach to inspiring every pupil from age 2 to 14 to get involved with the performing arts, whether music, dance, drama, or behind the scenes.
Over the last year, BCS has implemented various initiatives to promote Performing Arts, such as a musical instrument loan scheme for Year 7 pupils to learn an instrument for free during their first term and weekly music and group singing lessons for all Reception to Year 9 pupils. In addition, the Performing Arts curriculum has been extended with lessons in Dance, Physical Theatre, and Music Technology sitting alongside the more traditional GCSE/A Level courses in both Music and Drama.

“This nomination is a true reflection of achieving the extraordinary. BCS encourages and develops performing arts among students, staff, and the wider community. This is testament to the hard work of everyone in the performing arts but most importantly to the sheer determination of students who are stretched and challenged not to do the predictable and that follow us on a quest to be the best.”

Maria Coulter 

Head, Bournemouth Collegiate School

The Worthgate School – Excellence and Innovation in Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion

The nomination recognises the school’s student-led Diversity Committee, established in 2020, to drive positive changes. Initially created in response to students’ enthusiasm for celebrating multiculturalism, the committee organises student-led activities that foster inclusivity among students. The committee’s impact extends beyond our school walls, collaborating with the Canterbury Commemoration Society and sister schools to promote diversity and inclusion.

“Being shortlisted for an ISA Award is a tremendous honour for The Worthgate School. Our student-led Diversity Committee has inspired understanding, tolerance, and growth, creating an environment where every voice is heard, every perspective is valued, and every student is empowered to thrive and achieve. I am proud of their accomplishments and delighted for this well-deserved recognition.”

Ian Gross 

Principal, The Worthgate School

The winners of the ISA Awards will be announced during their Autumn Conference in November.