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Celebrating A level students’ success

A level Results and Destinations 2021

The end of the academic year is a time of celebration, and this year is no exception for Year 13 students across CATS Global Schools (CGS) [1] who, today, receive their A level results.
Despite the continuing challenges of the last year presented by the pandemic: campus closures, online learning, and the cancellation of A level examinations for the second consecutive year, our students have shown resilience and fortitude achieving outstanding results and progressions with 75.9% of CGS students moving forward with at least one A*/A.
This year, grades have been awarded based on teacher assessment, as outlined by the Department for Education in January 2021. Grades have been rigorously reviewed by another teacher as well as the school principal and checked by exam boards.
Top headline progressions on results day include:
  • 100% of Oxbridge applicants met their offer
  • 95% of G5 [2] applicants met their offer
  • 90% of Russell Group applicants met their offer

Students choosing competitive degree subjects have once again excelled, with:

  • 92% of Medicine applicants meeting their offer
  • 86% of Law applicants meeting their offer
  • 100% of Psychology applicants meeting their offer [3]
Our thanks to our students’ parents, families, and agent partners who have entrusted us with their child’s education during such a challenging time. Alongside doing the very best for our students, your continued support helps drive us forward.
Chris Stacey, CEO, CATS Global Schools, comments:
“Congratulations to all CGS students for their outstanding achievements in such a challenging year. As a group, our vision is to inspire the next generation of world shapers. I have no doubt that our students will go on to achieve great things in the next stage of their academic careers and beyond.
“I’d also like to offer heartfelt thanks to our school teams for their dedication and commitment. Not only the teaching staff, but those that work tirelessly in boarding, catering, healthcare and student services who have helped to create a positive learning environment.”
For results and destinations at school level, please visit the relevant school websites.
[1] Bosworth Independent College, Bournemouth Collegiate School, CATS Cambridge, CATS Canterbury, CATS London and St Michael’s School
[2] G5 is considered the top 5 universities in the UK: The University of Cambridge, the University of Oxford, Imperial College London, the London School of Economics (LSE) and University College London (UCL)