A Level Results Day 2024

Today 185 CATS Global Schools (CGS) students celebrate outstanding A level results.

This year, 90% of grades were awarded A* – C, and 76% of grades were awarded A* – B. Our A Level completion rate was 99% with many students now progressing to top UK universities.

CGS has a well-established history of helping students secure places at top UK universities. In 2024, CGS students have achieved first-choice places at the University of Cambridge and University of Oxford. Two students will read Medicine, and one will read Natural Sciences. Students have also obtained places to other top ten UK universities (according to The Good University Guide), including University of St Andrews, Durham University and the University of Bath.

My main reason to choose A-levels here is because … you can do Maths and Further Maths within one year, which is not very common. I didn’t see it at other schools.

Dimash, Kazakhstan

CATS Cambridge 

He achieved A*, A*, A*, A in Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics and Biology. 

Dimash will read Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge.  

Supported by our experienced higher education officers, our students are empowered to make informed choices about their degree subjects and university destinations. This year, many students are progressing to study Medicine, Economics and Law, while others will be studying Engineering, Dentistry and Sociology.

“The teachers at St Mikes are genuinely engaged with their subjects and students, wanting to see each of us succeed.”

Samrat, Hungarian

St Michael’s School

He achieved A*, A*, A*, A* in Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Psychology.  

Samrat will read Medicine at the University of Oxford.  

Top A Level Results and University Destinations 2024

Nationality School Grades Destination Degree
Kazakh CATS Cambridge A*A*A University of Cambridge Natural Sciences
Egyptian CATS Cambridge A*AA University of Manchester Aerospace Engineering
Albanian The Worthgate School ABB University of St. Andrews Computer Science
Nigerian The Worthgate School A*AAA Queens University Belfast Dentistry
Chinese Bosworth Independent School A*A*A UCL (University College London) Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Hong Kong Chinese Bosworth Independent School A*AA University of Nottingham Pharmacy with Integrated Foundation Training Mpharm
Hungarian St Michael’s School A*A*A*A* University of Oxford Medicine
British St Michael’s School A*A*A*A University of Cambridge Medicine
Malaysia Bournemouth Collegiate School A*A*A*A*A Imperial College London Chemical Engineering
Russian Bournemouth Collegiate School A*A*A* University of Brighton Animation
Moroccan Guildhouse School London A*A*A King’s College London, University of London Accounting & Finance
Cambodian Guildhouse School London AAB Queen Mary University of London Electrical and Electronic Engineering

“The quality of teaching at St Mike’s is excellent; the small class sizes really condense this teaching which was a huge benefit when learning the complex content at A-level.”

Hannah, British

St Michael’s School

She achieved A*, A*, A*, A in Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Psychology.  

Hannah will read Medicine at the University of Cambridge.  

To find out more about A Level successes at each school, please visit their websites:

CATS Cambridge

The Worthgate School

Guildhouse School

Bosworth Independent School

St Michael’s School

Bournemouth Collegiate School