National Professional Qualifications
Develop your academic leadership skills with a new National Professional Qualification (NPQ)

Choose your NPQ
NPQs have been redesigned to support the professional development of teachers in specialist areas of practice and school leaders aspiring to or already in senior roles. The Department for Education fully accredits them to help you realise your leadership potential.
CATS Global Schools (CGS) is proud to be a Delivery Partner for the new NPQs developed and designed by UCL’s Institute of Education.
NPQs on offer

Leading Teacher Development
For teachers who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading the development of other teachers, curriculum leads, mentors or trainees in their school.

Senior Leadership
For school leaders who are or are aspiring to be a senior leader with cross-school responsibilities

For school leaders who are, or are aspiring to be, a headteacher or head of school with responsibility for leading a school.
Choose CGS as your delivery partner
CATS Global Schools is an approved delivery partner for UCL’s Institute of Education, which has ranked #1 in the world for education every year since 2013. UCL has designed and delivered NPQs since their inception in 1997 and has been rated outstanding, with over 95% of participants recommending them.
In June 2022, UCL and their Delivery Partners’ work received a provisional inspection by Ofsted, which judged the training and professional development as excellent.

Flexible approach
We offer a combination of online and face-to-face sessions, providing the flexibility that allows participants from different regions and countries to join us.

International perspective
As an international group of schools, we offer a broad and diverse range of perspectives and experiences to learn from, including exclusive guest speakers.

Several campuses
We have a variety of campuses across the UK, which can be selected for face-to-face events according to participant cohort’s needs.

World-leading research
As a delivery partner for UCL's Institute of Education, we can provide you with access to world-leading research, evidence informed practice and knowledge exchange.

“In contributing to the training and development programme at CATS, I was really impressed by the evident dedication to professional learning and the sense of collegiality: very pleased to have been invited, delighted to have been invited back!”
Dr. Robin Bevan
Headteacher, Southend High School for Boys, who provided expert practitioner insight

“It was a pleasure leading a session on school partnerships with such an engaged and committed group of school leaders. Sharing their diverse experiences and expectations of partnerships brought a real richness to the discussion – and some really insightful questions. I look forward to working with you again.”
Christina Astin
Education Consultant, who provided expert practitioner insight
Your questions answered
Louisa Horner is CATS Global Schools’ Learning & Development Lead. She has completed her own NPQ in Senior Leadership and leads the facilitation of NPQs for CATS Global Schools, so can share insight into the learning experience and time commitments. Here she answers your most frequently asked questions.