Last week, five budding entrepreneurs at CATS College London presented their business venture ideas as part of of the “Incubator Challenge”.
The Incubator Challenge is one of several extracurricular activities designed to foster ‘Enterprise Skills’.
Over 10 weeks, students were set the challenge to develop a business idea from concept to business plan. Through the club, students develop research and presentation skills, build confidence and prepare their winning pitch.

“I think my presentation went towards helping me win the
‘Incubator Project’ award… It’s a sustainable idea, as many people are interested in buying affordable clothing. I’m now working towards getting collaborators to make the business a reality.”
Winner of the first CATS London “Incubator Challenge”
The judges, including James Slocombe, Principal of CATS London, Aaron Lennon, Vice Principal of CATS London and Chris Stacey, CEO of CATS Global Schools announced the winner as Tofi, with her BrandFIT app. The app helps users to identify clothing brands to buy.

“At CATS London, we encourage students to think creatively and with commercial acumen. The Incubator Project is a great way for students to demonstrate and practice these skills. Congratulations to all that took part – we have some very talented entrepreneurs!”
James Slocombe
Principal, CATS London