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CATS University Foundation Programme (UFP)

CATS UFP is delivered as a qualification in four CATS Global Schools: Worthgate School Canterbury, Guildhouse School London, CATS Cambridge and Bosworth Independent School.

CATS UFP is closely linked to Year 1 university courses in terms of skills although all assessments have been designed for Level 3 (A Level equivalent) in terms of challenge. Our external examiners scrutinise the programme throughout the year.

CATS UFP Qualification

An RQF Level 3 Qualification

Subjects by School

All students, regardless of the school they choose, follow the same specifications.

SubjectWorthgate SchoolGuildhouse SchoolCATS CambridgeBosworth Independent School
English Literature   
Financial Trading   
International Relations   
Visual Arts 


Students complete the same assessments and examinations for each subject regardless of their school or length of course, including Fast Track courses.

Final exams will all take place in the last two weeks of May, except for students starting a three term programme in January. They sit their exams in late July. Our external examiners, from UK universities, verify that the standard of the Fast Track programme is the same as the standard programme.

The qualification is graded on a letter scale A*-U.

We would generally expect UFP grades to be treated as equivalent to A Level. (Universities typically treat them as equivalent).

UFP Spec Sheets

UFP Contacts

Jonathan Hawkins

Director of CATS UFP
Jonathan Hawkins is an education professional with nearly 40 years of experience across UK state schools, the independent sector, and international education. He holds a BA (Hons) in History and History of Art, a PGCE from the University of Cambridge, and an MSc in Education and Training Management. For the past decade, Jonathan has led the CATS University Foundation Programme, improving its structure, enhancing outcomes, and recently expanding delivery to China and Malaysia. He specialises in designing assessment frameworks that align with educational goals and diverse learner needs, while training educators and collaborating internationally to standardise practices. Jonathan’s work focuses on creating meaningful assessment experiences that support both students and teachers in achieving their potential.

Ian Tay

Assistant Director of CATS UFP
Ian Tay is both a practitioner and academic researcher in International Education. Having earned his post-graduate degrees in Economic History from the London School of Economics, Political Science from the National University of Malaysia, and Global History from the University of Vienna, he is also currently working on his Doctorate in Education at the University of Bath, researching on the growth and philosophy behind Foundation Programmes, the A-Levels, and the IB. This also builds up on his professional experience in schools around the world for the past 15 years, including teaching Economics in CATS Cambridge and being the Chief Examiner for Business, Economics, and Financial Trading for CATS UFP.